Tuesday, 10 December, 2019 09:57:02 PM

SPIDERS OF BORNEO  >  Family Araneidae  >  Genus Arachnura  >  Arachnura sp BALUNG

Family: Araneidae
Genus: Arachnura
Species: Arachnura sp BALUNG 婆羅洲新種尾園蛛

Ref:中國蜘蛛生態大圖鑑 Page 73

Arachnura BALUNG
Arachnura sp BALUNG

This is a rare spider in Borneo.

This Arachnura spider mimic fallen flowers, twigs or dead leaves.
Among the common names are Drag-tailed spider, Tailed spider, Scorpion-tailed spider and Scorpion spider.

They curl up their tail when disturbed, but this tail is harmless, as they are not closely related to order scorpiones.
This female from Balung River is 17mm. Male is unknown.

Scientific Name for this species is unknown. As it was found near Balung River, hence it is temporary code-named Arachnura sp BALUNG.

Balung River, Sabah
Balung River, Sabah
Arachnura sp BALUNG in Family Araneidae was found in Balung River area in 2014.

Arachnura sp BALUNG
Arachnura sp BALUNG
Female 17mm
2014-06-28 BALUNG RIVER

Camouflages itself by mimicking a piece of  dead leaf.

Eyes of a female Arachnura sp BALUNG
Eyes of a female Arachnura sp BALUNG

The eyes are in two rows with posterior median eyes closely spaced. The anterior median eyes of Arachnura are projecting.

Anterior median eyes projecting.
Posterior median eyes closely spaced.

An female Arachnura spider
Arachnura spider has a very long tapering "tail" which can move up-ward and down-ward.
The tail extends beyond the spinnerets for a distance of over a third of the abdomen.

Long tapering flexible Tail

In the web the legs are folded together to forma line.
The front legs are stronger then the rest and kept close to the body when alive.

Abdomen is broad with two hornlike projections protruding ober the cephalothorax in a V shap.
Abdomen tapers into a long tail with soft humps on the tips.


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