Saturday, 03 October, 2020 12:17:54 AM

Wildlife and Environmental Protection in Sabah

Wildlife protection signboard at the car park of Tawau Hills Park put up in 2019
Wildlife protection signboard at the car park of Tawau Hills Park put up in 2019

A joint project between Sabah Wildlife Department and Sime Darby Plantation

Tourists continuously visit Sabah because of its beautiful beaches, islands, mountain, waterfalls, jungles and wildlife. Good nature environment and wildlife protection would attract more tourists from around the globe to visit Sabah.

The 2015 proposed  Wildlife Conservation Centre in Merotai was not approved by the Government. That Conservation Centre was aimed to provide sanctuary to pygmy elephants whose habitats are being eroded due to timber felling and oil palm planting in Tawau. New proposals for pygmy elephants protection are being planned by some NGOs.

Some of the International NGO that assisted in Wildlife protection of Sabah:

Sahabat Alam Malaysia (Friends of the Earth Malaysia)
Creating a peaceful and sustainable world based on societies living in harmony with nature.

The management of natural resources must be sustainable and ecologically-sound


Sea Shepard Conservation Society
US-based non-profit marine wildlife conservation organization,

Rewards Ready For Sabah Turtle Poaching Whistleblowers, US Marine Wildlife NGO Offers Over RM20,000


Some of the Government wildlife unites in Sabah :

Sabah Wildlife Department
Sabah Wildlife Department is under the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment of Sabah.

The Wildlife Rescue Unit is created out of an urgent need to address pertinent wildlife conservation issues in Sabah.

Some of the active Nature Wildlife NGOs in Sabah :


Green Semporna

Malaysian Nature Society Sabah Branch


WWF - Heart of Borneo

The HoB Initiative is a unique government-led and NGO-supported programme that was initiated by a joint Declaration by the governments of Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia in 2007.

The aim of the programme is to conserve the biodiversity of the Heart of Borneo through :
1- a network of protected areas,
2- sustainable management of forests and land uses.

Kinabatangan Orang-utan Conservation Project

HUTAN is a French Non-Governmental Organisation established in 1996.
The primary aim of HUTAN is to study orang-utans in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo.

Sabah Wetlands Conservation Society
Sabah Wetlands Conservation Society manage the Kota Kinabalu Wetland

Kota Kinabalu Wetland is a 24-hectare patch of mangrove forest. At first it was designated as a bird sanctuary by the Sabah government in September 1996 to help foster better understanding and awareness on the value of wetlands. In 1998, it was declared a State Cultural Heritage Site.

Sabah Nature Club
Sabah Nature Club is a Conservation & Environmental Management Division of  Yayasan Sabah Group

Outward Bound School
The Outward Bound Trust of Sabah, also known as Outward Bound Sabah (OBS) was incorporated on 6 February 1985 in Sabah.

OBS offers and conducts educational training programs which assist individuals to reach their full potential, to help them to care for themselves, others and their surrounding through challenging outdoor activities in unfamiliar settings.

WWF Fund Sabah

1- Sabah Foundation or Yayasan Sabah (YS)
2- Sabah Parks
3- Sabah Wildlife Department (SWD)
4- Sabah Forestry Department (SFD)
5- Bornean Biodiversity and Ecosystems Conservation (BBEC) project funded by JICA.
6- The Natural Resources Office, Sabah State government

SEPA (Sabah Environmental Protection Association)
Formed by concerned citizens of Sabah  to look into the environmental issues in Sabah.
