| Japanese in Sabah | Chinese Version |
タ ワ ウ 日 本 人 墓 地
所在地 タワウ市 Jalan Tanjong Batu 道路沿い
敷地面積 約8000平方メートル
Japanese war cemetery and monument in
The Japanese cemetery in Tawau :
Many it was the Chinese who first came to
Tawau and developed the place economically to prosperous.
But it was the Japanese who first came here.
The Japanese were in the fishing business, canning and exported the
manufactured goods back to Japan.
There were some roads like Kuhara and Kubota named after the Japanese. After
World War II, the Japanese lost to the Allies. The have to uproot from the colony and return to their own country. Dozens
of successful Japanese business men had to forsake whatever they had
painstakingly build in Tawau and return to Japan.
The Japanese cemetery was under the care of the Japanese Consulate in Kota
Kinabalu. The cemetery was well managed.
There is also a
Japanese Cemetery in Sandakan
Most of those buried in the Tawau cemetery were the Japanese passed away
before the second world war.
Original Reference Source :
Japanese have played a major part in the economic development of Tawau since
the 1898.
Japan was a source of skilled and unskilled workers, and also prostitutes,
in the 1890s, while the early 1900s brought growing numbers of
peasant-agriculturalists, shopkeepers and small businessmen. Restrictive
immigration measures introduced in the United States, Canada and the
Philippines after 1900 forced the Japanese government to give serious
consideration to Sabah as a potential destination for Japanese settlers.
Japan sent its Consul in Batavia, Nariaki Someya, to Sandakan in 1910 to
carry out a feasibility study on this issue. As a result, the number of
Japanese in Sabah began to increase after 1910.
By the 1930s, both individual Japanese immigrants and Japanese firms were
already active in economic activities, with two conglomerate giants, Kuhara
(Nissan) and Kubota (Mitsubishi), as the major investors.'
Two road were named after two of them, Jalan Kuhara and Jalan Kubota, both
remain as important road in Tawau.
There is a study of the Japanese economic role in Sabah by Yukata Shimomoto
on "Japan and the Chartered Company,- a short account. by Shimomoto on
"Japanese Immigrants in Tawau, British North Borneo",
Japanese immigrants to Tawau contributed to the following fields:
agriculture, particularly the growing of rubber and manila hemp; tuna and
skipjack fishing; and the canning of tuna.
There was a secret immigration scheme by successive Japanese governments
operated from 1915 to the 1930s.
Under the rule of the British North Borneo Chartered Company (BNBCC), Sabah
was unique in Southeast Asia in that it recruited not only Chinese workers
but also Japanese immigrants to overcome a shortage of manpower. The plan to
obtain Japanese labor began as early as 1893 when Governor C.V. Creagh wrote
to Japan officially after failing to secure Indian and Javanese labors. The
Japanese Foreign Ministry, reacting to the efforts of the Sabah government,
introduced "emigration agencies" for this purpose.
Today there are about 20 Japanese working in Tawau in the timber industry.
Japanese investment was the largest investment in Tawau before the second
world war. Many Japanese and Taiwanese (recruded by Japanese) came to Tawau
to develop rubber and plantations. Tawau was important to the Japanese
during World War Two (1941-1945) for its timber and minerals from the
surrounding forest and hills.
Sabah was under the British Administration at that time. Japanese companies
in Tawau involved in supporting the Japanese army to occupy Sabah during the
second world war. After the war, British asked the Japanese to leave Tawau
and their business properties were con-festicate and auctioned to the
Chinese businessmen acquired over the Japanese business properties through
auction from the British. They carry on and redeveloped the previous
Japanese properties with success at the same time keep a very low profile
and quiet about the Japanese every present in Sabah. Thus very little is
know about the Japanese history in Tawau today except the old Chinese in
Many of the very old remaining coconuts trees you see in Tawau were planted
by the Japanese 70 years ago.
There are several Japanese names in Tawau
Today the following 4 roads remain the old original name by the Japanese :
Jalan Kuhara , with a similar name.
1) Jalan Kuhara, with a school named SMK Kuhara
2) Jalan Kubota (久保田- 甲波打軍營及甲波打路, 久保田椰园) a military camp named Kem Kubota
and a golf course Kubota Goft Course
3) Jalan KuKusan and
4) Jalan DR. Yamamoto (山本醫生路)
5) Jalan Nisan Norin
四號麻房 was original started by a Japanese Company. Until today the Hakka
Chinese planters still call the area as 四號麻房
If you are keen enough to ask the old Chinese about stories on Japanese War,
many of the old folks would tell you about a 'Treasure Cave' of the Japanese
army about 1 kilometer from the White Bridge toward Merotai.
Japanese Today
There are about 20 Japanese living in Tawau today. Most of them in the
timber business.
Tawau Japan Club
Tel: 089-750330 FAX: 089-752612
Chairman of TJC Takao Matsuki
Tanah Perkuburan Batu 7, Jalan Apas Tawau
P.O. Box 164, 91007 Tawau, Sabah,
Tel: 089-772284
Fax: 089-754163
Tanjung Batu Chinese Cemetery
Tanah Perkuburan Kg. Tanjung Batu Tawau
Tel: 089-772284 089-752397
Fax: 089-754163
Tanah Perkuburan Tawau
P.O. Box 164, 91007 Tawau, Sabah.
Tel: 089-772284
Fax: 089-754163
1 Km from this Japanese Cemetery (2Km from town) are two more old cemeteries: the old Catholic Cemetery and the old Anglican Cemetery.
Jalan Tanjung Batu
Jalan Tanjung Batu Laut
2019-08-10 SAT 16:06
Further down Tanjung Batu Laut Road, 2 Km from Japanese Cemetery is the Tanjung Batu Chinese Cemetery 斗湖丹絨巴都義山. This Chinese cemetery is one of the oldest cemeteries in Tawau with more than a thousand graves in the cemetery.
Some tombs have a history of more than a hundred years. Within a couple
of kilometres area are also cemetery of religious groups, welfare
organizations This area is the main concentration area of cemeteries in
Tanjung Batu Chinese Cemetery 斗湖丹絨巴都義山
Tawau 4Km West
2019-08-10 SAT 15:49
Tanjung Batu Chinese Cemetery 斗湖丹絨巴都義山 is managed by
Tawau Chinese Chamber of
Commerce 斗湖中華商會
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