The Ph.D. (Engineering) programme aims to attract outstanding
individuals who wish to pursue research of the highest standard in their
specialized areas of engineering and technology. Through this programme,
candidates will enhance their competency in research and development of
knowledge in specific areas of engineering.
This programme is also designed to enhance the intellectual development of
candidates in a specific areas of engineering and technology. At the end of this
programme, candidates will have the capability to foster the development of new
knowledge in specific areas in the field of engineering.
This programme comprises of three parts:
Part I: Compulsory Course Work
Doctoral Seminar
Doctoral Advanced Seminar
For enrichment purposes, candidates are also required (if necessary) to do
additional elective courses as below:
Applied Statistics
Multivariate Statistics
Non-Parametric Statistics
Research Epistemology
Part II: Research
In this part, candidates will be conducting the research and prepare the thesis
through self managed learning and or independent study under the guidance of one
supervisor assigned by OUM to the candidate. Each candidate must meet the
assigned supervisor at least 4 times in each semester before he/she can progress
in the subsequent semester.
A candidate can choose any of the following specialization areas to pursue their
Technology Management - Research and Development
Technology Development and Project Management
Technology Management - Technology Transfer and Implementation
Technology Management - Production and Quality Management
Control Engineering
Operational Research
Production Engineering
Civil Engineering and Geotechnical
Electrical and Power Engineering
Chemical engineering
Environmental Management
Part III: Thesis Examination
In this part, the candidate has completed the thesis and ready to submit for
examination by OUM. An internal examiner and one external examiner will be
appointed to assess the PhD (Engineering) thesis and the candidate will be
examined in the 'Viva Voce' session organized by the Centre for Graduate
Studies, OUM.
Entry Requirements :
Master's Degree in Engineering or its equivalent
Duration of Study : 12 Semesters or 4 years
Fees : RM26,010