Last updated Saturday, 08 September, 2018 07:58:45 AM

Universiti Tun Abdul Razak

Distance Learning from Private Universities

6 Private Universities and 2 Public University are offering long distance learning programmes in Malaysia

These are the Eight Higher Learning Institutions offering open long distance learning programmes in 2013:
1) Al-Madinah International University
2) Universiti Tun Abdul Razak
3) Wawasan Open University
4) Malaysia Open University
5) Asia e University
6) International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance

7) Universiti Putra Malaysia
The School of Distance Education (SDE) Universiti Sains Malaysia

UNIRAZAK's College for Open Learning (COL)
A one-stop centre to provide UNIRAZAK academic programmes for working adults.

UNIRAZAK's College for Open Learning (COL) offers a unique approach to education in which students can enjoy the benefits of supported study while continuing to work fulltime. The students' learning is based upon a sound theoretical foundation and has the added benefit of being able to be applied to work life.

College for Open Learning (COL) uses a range of delivery formats with an effective support system to facilitate effective learning. It provides working adults with flexible choices for improving their professional and personal knowledge in their field of expertise or a new field. Students can have a job without compromising missing work for class or vice versa.

Conventional Learning and Distance Learning

Distance Learning can be defined as learning at a location away from the main campus of an institution. MQA granted two types of learning modes to UNIRAZAK, the conventional-learning mode and the distance-learning mode. At UNIRAZAK, e-learning mode is the same as distance-learning mode.

In e-learning mode, students gather knowledge through learning technologies such as e-library, course notes, e-forum, or surfing the internet via Google or Yahoo (just to name a few). The widely accepted term (including by LAN/MQA) is distance-learning instead of e-learning.

The conventional-learning mode of study is only applicable to full-time learning whereas in distance-learning mode, students can be either full-time or part-time. For full-time learning, the duration of study is the same (Diploma 2½-3 years, Bachelor 3-4 years, depending on total credits & credit transfer), regardless of whether it is conventional or distance learning. The duration of study for part-time distance-learning is slightly longer (Diploma 3-4 years, Bachelor 4-5 years).

As for the total contact hours, the conventional-learning mode requires more contact hours (42 hours per semester for a 3-credit course) compared to full-time distance-learning (only 30 hours per semester) and part-time-distance learning (14 hours per semester for reading courses, 21 hours per semester for quantitative/language courses). The full-time students (either conventional or distance) attend classes five (5) days a week (Monday to Friday), while the part-time distance-learning students attend classes during weeknights or weekends.

Another criterion that differentiates full-time conventional-learning, full-time distance-learning and part-time distance-learning is that:

for full-time conventional-learning the contents will be delivered by lecturers
for full-time distance-learning, tutors and students will be provided with course notes;
for part-time distance-learning, tutors and students will be provided with course modules.
For both full-time and part-time distance-learning, the students will study the course notes/modules on their own, and difficult contents will be explained by course tutors during face-to-face meetings.

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