Last updated Friday, 07 September, 2018 01:32:28 PM

OUM's Master programme
Open University Malaysia


1- Master of Instructional Design RM19,500
2- Master of Education
3- Master of English Studies

1- Master of Islamic Studies RM16,000
2- Master of Counselling  

1- Master of Business Administration RM28,000
2- Master of Management
3- Master of HR Management

1- Master of Information Technology RM24,000

Master of Project Management
Master of Occupational Safety and Health Risk Management

1- Master of Nursing RM20,000


Master of Information Science RM27,000
Master of Environmental Science RM24,000
Master of Public Administration RM18,500

Master of Science
Master of Science (Administration)
Master of Science (Engineering)
Master of Software Engineering
Master of Multimedia Communication
Master of Information Network Technology

Master of Business Administration


Coursework Year 1  Year 2
Semester  1 RM6,000   RM6,000
Semester  2 RM6,000   RM4,000
Semester  3 RM6,000   -
Total  RM28,000  

A Master’s in Business Administration is one of the most common postgraduate qualification at the moment in Malaysia.
A Master’s in Business Administration is broad in application and all-inclusive nature. MBA graduates come from backgrounds as varied as agriculture and microbiology and graduated into positions ranging from self-made entrepreneur to directors.
The beauty of the MBA is that there are no limitations; there are general MBAs, there are those with specializations, MBAs accept students from any background, and often within a broad range of working experiences, and they can be practiced in any industry, anywhere in the world.
An MBA has a much wider playing field, translating into better opportunities.

The MBA’s versatility and popularity have also been contributing factors to the apparent problem of MBA graduate oversupply.
There has been a great demand for MBA holders to take leadership positions in corporations.
Research by the European Foundation of Management Development shows that employers consistently report high levels of satisfaction with MBA graduates.
Yet more than half of the institutions that offer the MBA programme have reported an increase in enrolments, and they also expect this trend to continue into the following academic year.
For most people, the MBA represents an investment.

Basically, an MBA is an opportunity to graduate into a higher income bracket. A the same time, it is one of the more expensive non-scientific higher education certifications in Malaysia, compared to master’s programmes offered by the faculty of humanities or that of the arts and social sciences.
How useful an MBA is in the working world depends on the quality of the MBA itself
The currency of the curriculum is a key factor in ensuring the MBA has a realistic reflection of the corporate world. Some MBAs may have up-to-date information in terms of the theories and practices of the business environment; some may not.
Malaysians are spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing an MBA, and how that has had a unfavorable side effect.
MBA graduates are getting younger by the day.
Fresh university graduates pursue an MBA without workforce experience. Employers have pointed out that being the proud owner of an MBA is not enough if the owner cannot demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the inner workings in a corporate arena.
Each institution will boast a unique experience that will set you apart from other MBA graduates.
Double qualifications, flexibility in hours, an internationally recognized degree are all attractive factors.
For working adults who have time and location constraints, an open university like WOU or OUM would be able to fulfill their needs, with their online capabilities and convenient hours.
Local branches of foreign campuses offer brand-name recognition for a more accommodating price, while local institutions like the Graduate School of Management at UPM and UNIRAZAK’s Graduate School of Business provide a regional perspective and easier accessibility for both local graduates and local employers in terms of practical application.
MBA studies should be the analysis of real life business problems in class.
There should be discussions and deliberations for generating new knowledge and providing practical solutions, enabling graduates to leap straight into the business upon graduation, or even during their studies, and act as an asset to the company.”

While it is the responsibility if the institution to provide students the tools to discover practicable solutions through the analysis of case studies and real-life business problems, potential MBA students should also understand what they hope to achieve with the gaining of their MBA.
MBA is most valuable to those who already have several years of working experience under their belt in a business capacity, as it provides a clear advantage in terms of business expertise and therefore career mobility, or a possible career change.

In the hypercompetitive business environment business organizations' survival is to ensure that it has creative and innovative people who are dedicated and committed towards excellence.

A company need talented personnel with cutting edge knowledge to cope with the  managerial work.

OUM Master of Business Administration provides an opportunity to enhance your managerial skills and competences without sacrificing your professional and career development.

OUM Master of Business Administration provides to:

1 - Enhance your managerial competences and add value on current managerial knowledge.

2 - Sharpen your analytical and conceptual skills, and

3 - Improve your employability and managerial career development.

Entry Requirements : Bachelor's Degree with honors or its equivalent in any field of study

Duration of Study : 6 Semesters or 2 years              Fees : RM21,490

Programme Structure

Ten Core Courses

1 - Managerial Economics
2 - Organizational Management
3 - Accounting for Decision Making
4 - Marketing Management
5 - Financial Management if
6 - Business Law
7 - Human Resource Management
8 - Information Technology for Managers
9 - Research Methods for Managers
10 -Strategic Management

Four Elective Courses in the Following Areas

1 - Marketing
2 - Finance
3 - Human Resource Management
4 - Economic Development
5 - Entrepreneurship
6 - General Management

Project Work

1 -Project Work I
2 -Project Work II


Choose 1 of the following fields of specialization:

A. Marketing

Consumer Behavior
Marketing Research
Service Marketing
Marketing Strategy

B. Finance

Corporate Finance
Investment Analysis
Bank Management
Islamic Financial Management

C. Human Resource Management

Industrial Relations
Human Resource Development
Organizational Behavior
Compensation Management

D. Economic Development

Natural Resource Management
Land Economics
Resource Economics
Project Planning & Evaluation

E. Entrepreneurship

New Venture Development
Small Business Management
Enterprise Development

Coursework Year 1 Year 2
Semester 1    
Semester 2    
Semester 3    


Centre for Graduate Studies

Open University Malaysia

3rd Floor, Bangunan Angkasa Raya
Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 603-2731 6000 Fax: 603-2148 4006
