Last updated Friday, 07 September, 2018 01:32:14 PM

OUM's Master programme
List of Master programmes offers by Open University Malaysia


Master of Science

The main objective of the programme is to provide postgraduate education and develop advanced expertise in selected areas of science and technology. Students are encouraged to pursue research of the highest standard, with relevance to the field of sciences, mathematics, management of science programmes for distance learners and technology development.

Part 1: Self Improvement

Students will attend a course on research methodology in science and one of the following courses depending on their requirement:

Applied statistics
Multi variance analysis
Non-parametric statistics

They are also required to complete a master's seminar and an advanced master's seminar.

Part 2: Research

Candidates are expected to participate in independent research under the guidance of an academic supervisor or supervisors appointed by the faculty. Students may conduct research in their own laboratory / premise through self managed learning guided by the supervisors. Each candidate must meet the assigned supervisors at least 4 times in each semester.

Area of specializations:

Agriculture Technology and Business
Applied Statistics
Biotechnology Management
Computational and Theoretical Mathematics
Distance Education in Chemistry and other Science /

Mathematics Subjects
Nursing and Health Science
Science and Technology Policy and Management
Science Education
Sports Science

Part 3: Thesis Examination

In this part, the candidate has completed the thesis and ready to submit for examination by OUM. The candidate will be examined in the 'Viva Voce' session organized by CGS.

Entry Requirements : Bachelor's Degree in Science / Mathematics / Health Science / Nursing Science / Science Education or its equivalent

Duration of Study : 6 Semesters or 2 years             

Fees : RM 15,640
